Take it easy
Red | O.D. Rioja
low temperature fermentation in steel tanks.
low temperature fermentation in steel tanks.

Color picota intenso con ribete violáceo, capa media-alta, buena extracción, limpio y con buena lágrima. Es de nariz intensa y aromática, aparecen frutas rojas: fresas, frambuesas y algo de grosella sobre un ligero fondo balsámico, confitura de frambuesa y fondo de zarzamora. Muy expresivo. Algo lácteo al final. En boca tiene buena intensidad a bayas rojas silvestres, con notas balsámicas bien ensambladas. Tiene buena acidez y estructura, tanino algo presente, amplio sin ser pesado con un recorrido muy rico, fácil y goloso, con notas de regaliz en su final.

Exclusively made of la Rioja Alta grapes from Cordovín, Camprovín, Hormilla; in the foothills of Sierra la Demanda, these influence the character and taste of this wine.
High patched vineyards, mechanical harvesting, zero waste committed.
Winery in Hormilla, in the heart of Rioja Alta. La General makes its wines in this property, keeping the regional tradition but including the ultimate technologies.

Bordeaux bottle, limite edition by glass factory VOA, crystal Vinolok closing, available in 3/4, magnum and double magnum.
Six bottles pack.
A wine designed for the present costumer, with festive nature and elegant packaging.High quality products and a fine elaboration from the vineyard. Zero waste, environment friendly. Distinguished image. Only for catering industry.
Perfect to be enjoyed as house wine or be part of the menu in a great restaurant. Medium status consumer profile, age 30-50, eager to discover new wines. For curios people, starters and cuisine lovers always looking for new trends and style.