Creativity and Design


In La General we consider a product to be part of a global concept from which we develop the product in question but also the brand that represents it. That is why we place value on creativity and design, the way we communicate with our target costumers and our dialogue. Developing our own products implementing a wide and creative strategy increase their chances in the market. Here’s where everything begins…


Our goal is creating significant, communicative and seductive products. For this reason, we define friendly brands that go with the costumer. We design images that last in our clients’ memory. We understand design as an exciting experience, able to influence people’s behavior. That’s why we take a commitment to the communicative aspects of our brands and we count on a professional team of designers, ready to solve any graphic issue.

Web Design

We create tools tailored to our costumer. Online management programs, e-commerce, sites, corporate webs… We portray on the internet our clients’ business activities creating tools completely adapted to their needs. It’s such a wide domain that only imagination can delimite it. Always, in the background, budget. We study every case to offer the best solution.


Our services broadly cover every product creation processes:

  • Análisis del mercado.
  • Competencia y casos de éxito.
  • Naming (nomenclatura) de marcas y productos.
  • Branding (atributos intangibles de marca).
  • Copy y literatura publicitaria.
  • Diseño de identidad corporativa y logotipos.
  • Diseño de packaging y etiquetas.
  • Creatividad publicitaria y merchandising.
  • Design Thinking.
  • Proyectos online a medida.
  • Asesoría Tecnológica.
  • Diseño y desarrollo de websites.
  • Diseño y desarrollo de aplicaciones.


The Social-digital Era

Nowadays we live in a global market context where dialogue with costumers and suppliers takes on importance. This includes digital media as the main communication means. Because of that, La General really cares about this area turning it in a powerful communication and feedback tool, where we develop and show the brand’s image in a consistent and efficient way. These means let us amplify and spread all the product’s values and take theme wherever our clients might be.

Our Services

Our services include every aspect of online communication:

  • Análisis estratégico y definición de potenciales clientes.
  • Asesoría y producción de contenidos multimedia.
  • Gestión de redes sociales.
  • Realización de campañas en medios digitales.


Last Big Step

In La General we are experts in strategic development for beverage and wine industry companies. We elaborate and develop creation, retail, and commercialization proposals for your products. Our model changes according to our client’s needs once analyzed the market we are addressing


Our main services are:

  • Análisis DAFO previo a la asesoría.
  • Asesoramiento enológico acorde a las tendencias del mercado. Estudio de perfil de consumidor objetivo.
  • Creación de redes de distribución y outsourcing comercial.
  • Planificación y asistencia a ferias/eventos adecuados a la estrategia del cliente.
  • Confección de plan comercial/ marketing anual, optimización de recursos de merchandising.
  • Asesoramiento en comercialización en mercados exteriores.